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i opened the console and this error showed up. me and others (only roughly 5 from what i have seen) have some of the blocks not loading in properly, and other not loading in the game at all. no idea if those are the ones in question but i just wanted to ask if there is someone else here who has this error when having the console open while playing. (screenshot of invisible platform in the comments)

(2 edits)

I feel like I have to pull too much back for max power it feels weird. Voicelines would feel better with min no play and max must play. Intro is a little too soft compared to the volume of bgm in store. I also have the same voiceline played for my 1st and 3rd voiceline

When I select an item in the store I instantly wear it no transaction needed, game mechanic???

It is the honour system, the purchase button gives you the donate link.

He must have temporarily removed it, but Michael added an info screen for the shop; you're supposed to click "Purchase", and it will direct you to Albert's donation page, and they ask that you pay $1 before using a skin in game, but there's no in-game check for the transaction, it's just the Honor System

most likely this will be brought to steam where you actually have to buy the skins. so the effort is worth it


maybe useful to know, maybe not
by jumping at a flat angle repeatedly into a water bottle, the direction of the bubble spawn can be changed.
(10 edits) (+5)

Some things for Albert and some things for Michael. Albert is 1-12 and Michael is 11-15.

1. Bubble Pop on Urchin
You wanted to add a bubble pop on urchin touch. RN if you hit an urchin with a bubble you stick to it and are in the bubble aswell.

2.  bubble growing on creaton for untouchable indication
You jumped a couple of times through the bubble yourself, because you tried to use it to quickly.

3. make right mouse button cancel jump.
But you have a lot of Event-Mousebuttons that need to be set to leftclick then instead of all mousebuttons 

4. Moving the camera with mousewheel.
same thing with the eventmousebutton for this

5 falling on urchin triggers no voiceline.
A lot of people were complaining, that 100+(arbitrary) meter jumps on urchins don't trigger a voiceline and they should.

6 Forbidden voicelines.
People wanted a minimum fall distance to play voicelines, because it feels dumb to get mocked for repositioning.

7. Forced voicelines.
Maximum distance travel until voiceline is fored. Basically if you fall 150m(arbitrary) there should ALWAYS be a voice regardless of if your other threshholds are met.

8. Stun duration,
in the pufferfish/urchin insanity section stacks up your stun duration A LOT and it stuns you on the clam so long, that you cannot jump off before it triggers.   That could be left in, because it is kind of fun and it only happens there. But you should know about it so you can fix it if you don't like it 

9. aim bug.
pains me to say, but my code still didn't fully fix it. Try the stuff the other guy gave you or your idea. SADGE

9. bottle cooldown indicator. 
A second sprite for the bottle when it is on cooldown, so you don't have to guess when you can spawn a second bubble. could be a little crumpled or smtngh. lilly will figure it out.

10. some people are still experiencing the thing where some assets don't load in for them, but no idea where you would fix that other than....recode everything :D

11. I love you guys, this is such an amazing project and it was so much fun watchin you guys. Thank you very much

12. a settings menu for volumes (michael) and optional inverted controlls (albert)

13. Restart.
A way to restart a run for speedrunning/timing/training purposes.

14.  Main Menu.
A way to get back to the main menu from the game and a way to quit the game inside the game.

15. Fullscreen.
It can still be 1080 with LARGE pixxels, but people really hate windowed mode.   OR maybe just ad a black background around the 1080 window. just so we can hide our desktop and are confined to the window.

That is the list I made while you were playtesting and people said that in chat and some of them you said throughout the day on stream.

PS: suggestion:

Use pink jellyfish as a one time mechanic.
instead of bouncing you like the other jellies. it allows you to charge and release your jump mid air. and you need to use that to reach the hook. so a new mechanic you need to figure out to make it onto the hook. it could be a fun ending. but it's another object and we all know that will only take 15min right?....right?

It could make Frederick glow, so it is more obvious, that he has a new ability.

The power could either be for just one jump, but then the jump should be pretty easy and not punishing imo.

Or it could be a very difficult and punishing jump, but then you should get to keep the power for the rest of the game to get back up.

PSS: In your fluke state when you were dying of sleep deprevation, you made a very weird solution to triggering the ending scene.
You should have just created the hook as an object. basically a plattform. give it a hitbox. make it act like a pufferfish, so you get stuck on it, when you collide with it. and when you collide with it you trigger the cutscene.
The cutscene should also not instantly play, it should allow you to admire your hook touch for a bit.
But brain is brain, when sleep is gone. you were a champ!

PSS: also reset player position to start, when ending plays

Maybe add resolutions, since the UI isnt visible for some people, Im not sure about godot but other engines offer built in solutions for this

BUG: When you start to charge a JUMP there is a big deadzone before the charge in represented visually.

Using an old version where the mouse is visible to show the deadzone

(1 edit)

That deadzone was intended. it adds a check, if the mouse is inside that zone, before the mouse tracking applies. It is there to make sure the mouse has teleported, so the "initial aim bug" does not happen.
It did help a bit, but it did not get rid of the bug completely.

But he absolutely did wing the values of that deadzone. he basically just guessed how far the mouse can move in a frame.


BUG: If you fall the fall distance keeps flashing untill you move again.

BUG: If you get clam'd while aiming, your mouse stay hidden after mousebutton release.


game is hard enough, but plinko w/ puffer fish section should still have the chance to drop you even further/ not serve as a check point imo!! Like chances are low that you'll fall below ~620 m but not guaranteed safe ^-^

(2 edits)

The first pingpong got me stuck in the wall, then this eventually happen:

my fish won't stop doing a handstand T_T


I think you should remove this current was a really fun section without it and the current just defeats the purpose.






think the voice lines should play when the players fall at a certain amount of height (like >75m). the current voice line setup make it play even at a small fall.


Definitely Agree. They feel more  impactful after a large  fall.  They also add levity.


We really need to be able to resize the window in some way; at least switch between a full-screen mode with black bars on the sides (to maintain original aspect ratio) and the original windowed mode, like with F11. Right now on lower resolution displays, it gets cut off, and on higher resolution, the mouse going off the edge of the window tends to cause control glitches.


no voicelines are being played if you have a deep fall onto an urchin 

The mouse capture isn't perfect, if you do multiple fast jumps in the same direction it wonders of screen.

Edit:I think it happens, because in the fast movement I click and the cursor locks while I'm still pulling back my mouse to get enough space for the next jump.

when i moved upward with the ocean current hit the platform and then stuck and now gliched

when i moved upward with the ocean current hit the platform and then stuck and now bugged
(1 edit) (+1)

Really nice feeling for game, however there are some suggestions with regards to QOL and improvements.

1. Lack of any options. This results in audio and visual issues, for example in my case it was non-ajustable window and lack of changes for audio.

2. Lack of pause/options menu during gamepla. This is really problematic as to close game player has to go ALT+F4 or close window manually which might be a problem with point nr.1

3. No information regards control, additionally there should be option to revert controls.

4. There seems to be no way to cancel once started jump, even if pressed by accident. Additionally i notice it because i accidentally pressed MMB.

5. It would be nice to add option to look upwards, to plan movements more accurately. Maybe with WSAD or Arrows.

Something unusual i found is that collision for objects is mainly 1-1.5 cm of surface from top. This can result in player sometimes clipping trough image despite clearly touching collision. This is a minor issue however if possible collisions should be extended.

Keep up great work!

(1 edit)

I agree with non-ajustable window and the hitbox of the platforms. And with vertical platforms it is more then a minor issue, because when trying to jump on a verticaly placed platform, half of the side that is on top then has no hitbox.
Pause option would also be nice.

Audio and manual closing is not that important in my opinion, because it is all easily doable with your computer settings.



The game window is bigger than my screen and not resizable.



Testing consistency on the ping pong jellies.

I highlighted the issue in chat but basically:

1. The game feels fair/good when player errors lead to loss of height.

2. Problem with this section is it can be inconsistent and can sometimes feel like a coin toss. (Loss of height due to perceived luck feels bad)

15:22 for the worst of it

Collision with the Huge Platforms are sometimes weird since they are missing colliders on their bottom halves. Like you feel like you should land on part of a sideways huge platform, but you just fall straight through it.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I have carpal tunnel in my wrist and I find constant mouse dragging very painful after playing for a while. I also find the movement very unintuitive in correlation to the mouse. 

Main Menu

Window Options

Bug: The clams near the top of the level have their size reset because they are Rigidbodies. I suggest changing the type to something else, like AnimatableBody2D.


Got stuck on a large jellyfish. I just keep jumping back and forth. I am unable to control the fish to move.

I ran into the same issue twice. I was wondering if there was a way to where if the game sensed that you jumped to much it would stop you or just send you to the nearest platform? :>

Honestly I think things like this could just be solved with clever level design. Like an upside ramp or current above, or just simply rotating the jellyfish slightly so you cant just go straight up and down.

your playing a 3rd party web version


this game is pretty fun

For some reason not working unless I use the opengl3 rendering driver (resolution is broken on there), but the gameplay is great!

(2 edits)

sub 10min pb for v0.9.7

ran into no bugs that run


Used WinZip to extract the game (Windows 10)

(3 edits) (+8)(-1)

For those on non-windows platforms, I ported this game to other platforms.

Edit: updated to 1.0



the mouse cursor disappears whenever I charge the meter which makes it hard to aim and also idk if's intended, but when I hit the platforms from below it disappears by blinking and making me phase through it


Jellyfish Glitch, happened when i clip the corner.

Had  a bug with the Jellyfish where I clipped into it, and it has happened before and the first time it happend it spit me out after a few seconds, but this time I got stuck in the corner of the screen permanently and got softlocked.

Same bug happened to me, it ended up inching up and down really fast within the top, blue layer of the jellyfish. After 10 or so seconds it spit me out.


- When hitting jellyfish when going downwards, they tend to shoot you down without mercy, dunno if intended.

- It is possible to hit the corners of the jellyfish hitbox, causing the player to become stuck inside the hitbox and ejected to the side.


i made the clam jump/glitch

first furious fish Youtuber?

(2 edits)

i found that too, i was going to save it for my speed run. it works better if you two bubble get on so you dont have the flop animation, hop off with one bubble, adjust and wait for the second shake for the launch.



Just finished making some anotations in case you are interested.
First let me say that it is a fun game :D 
These are my anotations:


There is still a bug with the mouse position when clicking. Sometimes it takes the initial position before moving the mouse to the center. Really rare tho

I noticed that this bug usually happens after a jump where the mouse is not displayed after finished (Maybe be related to not getting that the jump ended)

Ideas for QOL 

You may want to include a clickbuffer. When user clicks before being ready to start the jump, if clickbuffer is true you start it as soon as it can.

The position of jump when you just click without moving the mouse, shows like it will jump to the right. It throw me off a little bit, I think if it show like jumping straigth up it would be better.

You may want to disable the right click. If you click it while pressing the left click it makes the jump. 

You may want to add a button to cancel the jump

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